Sunday, January 23, 2011

35. Buy a pair of cute winter boots

I have to accredit this task completion to my Mom! Thanks Mom!!!

Yesterday, My Mom, Graham, Ashley and myself took a quick trip into Virginia to do some shopping. While there, we walked past these lil cuties, I tried them on, did the "do you really REALLY need these, Tanya? The budget kicked in... well momentarily... we'll have to start the budget again, argh! Anyways, I talked myself out of them only to have my very cool Mom buy them for me as a gift. 

Thanks Mom... my super chic feet and me thank you very VERY much!


  1. OMG! They are super cute!!!! You are one HOT lady!!!!!!!

  2. Hehehe.. thanks!
    I feel very stylish today! LOL
