Sunday, February 13, 2011

31. Take up jogging

Week 4
Well, I made it, not without hiccups though. This weeks runs consist of a warm up, followed by a three minute run, a 90 seconds walk, a five minute run and two and a half minute, repeated twice. So, my calculations were off on the first three minute run, I slowed to a walk at two minutes in and realized after a few seconds that I hadn't completed my full three minutes... back up to a run. Good, not too hard, it's surprising how fast our bodies adapt! Five minutes is upon me.. phew, I was dreading this as you all know, but I did it!  I pushed myself the last two minutes of those five without stopping, and was pretty proud of myself for that. caught my breath with the two and a half minute walk and back to running the three minutes. I was onto the last five minute set, was doing pretty good and then it hit me at the three minute count, that I was OUT of breath (or so I had convinced myself), I jumped off onto the sides of the treadmill as the track went whirring between my legs, gave myself a quick pep talk and jumped back on. Now, jumping on a treadmill at a running pace is a feat in itself... I had a bit of a trip but regained my balance quicker than I had anticipated, I really did have visions of my under my treadmill. I finished out the last two minutes and a 30 second penalty I gave myself for quitting. I am feeling pretty accomplished with myself this morning and a wee bit proud! In fact, after a run, I feel downright great!

My hairdresser, Chrissy, and I discussed my couch to 5k and she had a bit of wisdom for me, so I'd like to pass it along... she told me we can all do anything for a minute, so if we break things down into minutes, we can accomplish anything!